الخميس، 30 يناير 2014

السن الذكي تكنولوجيا جديدة لعلاج الأسنان مابين الخيال العلمي والواقع


قد لا تخبر طبيب اسنانك بالكمية الحقيقة مما أكلتة او تناولته من مشروبات تعرف انها تضر أسنان لكن الان مع ابتكار "السن الذكي " أصبح الطبيب لدية القدرة على معرفة ما تناولت بل وتحديد اي من تلك الأطعمى كان السبب فى الضرر الأكبر 

قام فريق من العلماء والباحثيين في جامعة تايوان بإختراع جهاز إستشعار يُوصل بالإسنان معروف باسم "السن الذكي" . 

ويقوم الجهاز بالتعرف علي وظائف الفم التي يقوم بها الإنسان كالمضغ والشرب والتحدث والسعال, ويقوم الجهاز بتسجيل جميع حركات الفم ويسمح السن الذكي بالتعرف علي 94% مما يحدث داخل فمك, ويتمكن الجهاز " السن الذكي"  الموصل بأسلاك دقيقه بعصب الأسنان من التعرف علي نوعية الطعام التي تقوم بمضغها  ومن ثم يمكن تحويل  تلك البيانات التي يسجلها الجهاز إلي معلومات مفيدة تساعد الباحثيين في تحديد عاداتك اليومية وطريقة معيشتك.   وقد قام فريق من المهندسين في جامعة برينستن  في العام الماضي بتطوير تقنيه مشابهة بتوصيل جهاز إستشعار بالأسنان ليساعد الطبيب علي التعرف عي حجم البكتيريا الموجودة في الفم والتي تساعد الأطباء في تشخيص وعلاج أمراض الفم كإلتهابات اللثة المزمنه.   ويضيف الطبيب جيرارد كيوجل عميد البحوث في جامعة تافتس بأن الفم يعد بمثابة نافذة لباقي أعضاء جسم الإنسان, ويمكنك تحديد العديد من الأمراض الإخري عن طريق لعاب الفم.   تخيل الأن مالذي يمكن فعله بدمج هاتين التقنيتين سوياً, فقد يتمكن العلماء ليس فقط في معرفة كل مايحدث في جسدك  ولكن أيضاً طريقه استجابة جسدك لذلك.   التكنولوجيا الرقميه أصبحت جزء من العالم الحالي لايمكن الإستغناء عنها , ليس فقط في حياتنا الإجتماعية ولكن في حياتنا الصحية أيضاً.





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الأربعاء، 29 يناير 2014

3m Espe Bonding Agents Solution For Various Dental Problems

Various Dental Problems

Dental cement is a sort of dental material that is prominently used in various dental and orthodontic applications. It is prepared from amalgamating powder and liquid in an adequate ratio. The main objective of preparing cement is to treat dental diseases and make dental patients free from dental problems faced by them. Being a perfect dental solution, dental cement is preferred by the dentists for dental restoration works such as filling dental cavities, restoring esthetic restorations and bonding tooth gaps. Dental cements are widely used by dentists as luting agents, cavity linings and bases and restorative materials to teeth. When it comes to finding the best restorative materials, 3M ESPE bonding agents make the job of dentists easy and help them do various dental filling and restoration jobs successfully.

3M ESPE, a manufacturer of a wide range of products, renders all sorts of dental tools, equipment and materials such as dental restoratives, crown and bridge, implants, preventive, infection control and cosmetic dentistry. The manufacturer is widely known for developing a broad line of dental cement products. Being easy to use in nature and developed from high quality materials, 3M ESPE cements are useful and beneficial for various dentistry procedures. For making effective bonding agents, the manufacturer uses chemicals such as phosphate, phenolate, polycarboxylate and polymethacrylate are used.

If you are a dentist and looking for some high quality dental adhesives that make dental proceedings easy for you, then you should purchase 3M ESPE dental adhesives. When it comes to purchasing dental products and materials, you can purchase them from local dental product suppliers or any online store that deals in the selling and supplying of a wide and exhaustive variety of 3M ESPE dental adhesives such as 3M Adper Scotchbond Adhesive, 3M Adper Scotchbond Primer and 3M Adper Single Bond Plus/2.

If you are purchasing such products from a seller or supplier that is not reliable and well-known supplier, it will be good for you if you can go online and find numerous sellers who have the authority to sell 3M ESPE cements online. Although there are numerous sellers and suppliers claiming themselves as authorized ones, yet checking their certificate or any other documents issued by registered dental associations can help you get the best quality dental products from a reliable and popular online store. Also check various signs and marks showing the quality of 3M ESPE dental products and materials.


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Re-Establishing Esthetics Of Fluorosis

Re-Establishing Esthetics Of Fluorosis

he aim of this study was to report the clinical case of a female patient of 18 years with moderate fluorosis, whose smile was re-established by the use of an enamel microabrasion technique, followed by in-office bleaching. A microabrasion technique with 6% hydrochloric acid associated with silica carbide showed to be a safe and efficient method for removing white fluoroses stains, while dental bleaching was useful for obtaining a uniform tooth shade. The association of these techniques presented excellent results and the patient was satisfied. Both techniques are painless, fast and easy to perform, in addition to preserving the dental structure. Treatment showed immediate and permanent results; this technique must be divulged among professionals and their patients.


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Website: www.spc-eg.com

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Motivational health coaching empowers diabetic patients, improves dental health


By means of so-called health coaching, researchers at the University of Copenhagen have helped a large group of diabetics to markedly improve their oral health. The patients assume responsibility for their own bodies and boost their self-efficacy through motivational health coaching, taking a different approach to conventional health campaigns and one-way communication. The research findings have just been published inClinical Oral Investigations.

Brochures with information about dental health or healthy living are fine. Motivational health coaching by professionals is far better and reaches out to high-risk groups.

Diabetics are at a higher risk of suffering oral health problems. Not just the most serious problems like periodontitis and caries, but also other issues such as dry mouth, fungal infections and poor wound healing. One hundred and eighty-six patients with Type II diabetes participated in a study - the first in the world - to demonstrate the role of health coaching in improving dental health and empowering patients. The patients with diabetes were divided into two groups. One group was given traditional health information, for example a brochure on good dental hygiene. The other group was offered motivational health coaching in the form of 3-6 sessions over a six-month period, focusing on personal guidance on, for example, diet, stress management and dental care:

"In the group of patients who were given personal health coaching, biological markers for periodontitis , also known as 'loose teeth disease' were reduced by as much as 50% over a six-month period. The patients in the trial group saw a significant decline in long-range blood sugar levels, whereas figures for the control group were unchanged. Moreover, the patients in the coaching group expressed markedly increased self-efficacy in relation to handling illness and health issues," explains Assistant Professor and authorised coach Ayse Basak Cinar from the Department of Odontology at the University of Copenhagen.

The long-range blood sugar, also known as HbA1c, is an expression of the average glucose level in the blood over the past approx. three months. For the coaching group, this fell from 7.5% to 6.9%.

Greater equality

The new research findings may change the way we think about health campaigns in future.

"Health coaching is a resource-intensive intervention. However, dishing out a brochure to patients with diabetes and thinking that that will do it, is also a costly approach for society. Ineffective health communication due to a lack of creativity results in massive and costly problems for society. The patients we are in contact with are often both socially and financially vulnerable, and for them health coaching and follow-up can make a considerable and marked difference, both to their physical and mental health. It is also about equality in the health care system - both globally and nationally," says head of section Lone Schou from the Department of Odontology.

The results are not only interesting because health coaching seems to make a huge difference compared with conventional health campaigns.

"It is also exciting that we are combining biological examinations of BMI, long-range blood sugar and bacterial markers with qualitative data obtained through interviews. All the biological examinations indicate better results for the trial group," says Ayse Basak Cinar.

Danish-Turkish research with a global dimension

Assistant Professor Ayse Basak Cinar, head of section at the Department of Odontology Lone Schou and Professor Maximilian de Courten from Copenhagen School of Global Health are behind the new research results which have been published in Clinical Oral Investigations. The study involving 186 patients was conducted in Turkey, but Ayse Basak Cinar has received a grant from the Danish foundation TrygFonden which moves the trial to Denmark and secures Ayse's employment in the coming year.

"I am keen to see how closely the Danish results will resemble those from Turkey, but I expect to see many similarities. Often, the most high-risk Type II diabetes patients in Denmark are of non-Danish ethnicity, so in that respect the studies will not be affected by marked cultural differences. The complications of Type II diabetes are a global concern which is monitored closely by the International Diabetes Federation," says Ayse Basak Cinar.


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الاثنين، 27 يناير 2014

Coffee Drinking May Halve Risk Of Mouth And Throat Cancer

Coffee Drinking

A new study from the US finds people who drink more than 4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day have half the risk of dying from oral/pharyngeal (mouth and throat) cancer as people who drink it either occasionally or not at all. However, the researchers say their findings need to be confirmed by more research, and for now should just be received as good news for coffee drinkers and not be used as a reason to recommend everyone should drink 4 cups of coffee a day.

Lead author Janet Hildebrand and colleagues from the American Cancer Society (ACS) in Atlanta, Georgia, write about their findings in a paper published online first on 9 December in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Oral/Pharyngeal Cancer

Oral/pharyngeal or mouth and throat canceris rarely diagnosed in the early stages because symptoms usually do not appear until the cancer is advanced. Also, the symptoms can be mistaken for something else, such as toothache.

The cancer can sometimes be spotted early during a routine exam by a doctor, dentist, or dental hygienist, and some dentists and doctors suggest you look at your mouth in a mirror at least once a month to check for symptoms.

The most common symptoms are a mouth sore that fails to heal, or a pain in the mouth that doesn't go away.

The biggest risks for developing oral/pharyngeal cancer are tobacco and alcohol use. Most people who have it are tobacco users.

Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) is also a risk factor, especially in people who do not use tobacco. The number of cases of oral/pharyngeal cancer tied to HPV has risen sharply in the last thirty years.
Researchers Examine Link with Coffee

Previous epidemiological studies have suggested coffee drinking is linked to a reduced risk for mouth and throat cancer.

It has also been suggested that it may not be the caffeine in coffee, but the fact it is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, and other compounds, that help prevent or slow the development of cancer.

For their study, Hildebrand and colleagues used data from the Cancer Prevention Study II, a prospective US cohort study that the ACS started in 1982.

That study gathered a wealth of lifestyle and health information on 968,432 men and women, including their tea and coffee consumption. When they enrolled on the study, none of the participants had cancer, but over the 26 years of follow up, 868 died from oral/pharyngeal cancer.

When they analyzed the tea and coffee consumption in relation to deaths from oral/pharyngeal cancer, the researchers found those participants who reported drinking more than 4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day had a 49% lower risk of death from oral/pharyngeal cancer compared to those who reported not drinking coffee at all or only an occasional cup.

The link was not affected by gender, tobacco and alcohol use.

The researchers found an insignificant link with decaffeinated coffee, and none at all with tea.
Conclusion and Next Step

The researchers conclude:

"In this large prospective study, caffeinated coffee intake was inversely associated with oral/pharyngeal cancer mortality. Research is needed to elucidate biologic mechanisms whereby coffee might help to protect against these often fatal cancers."

Hildebrand says in a press statement:

"We are not recommending people all drink 4 cups of coffee a day. This is just a little bit of good news for those of us who enjoy coffee."

"There may be some other effects of coffee that may prevent people with certain conditions from drinking a lot of caffeine," she cautions, noting that:

"This study is about just one cancer site among many. There needs to be much more consistent research before we can support the conclusion that coffee should be consumed for cancer prevention."

The team is now planning to analyze links between coffee consumption and cancer in a more diverse population in the ACS's new Cancer Prevention Study - 3 (CPS-3).

The Society hopes to recruit at least 300,000 adults from a range of ethnic and racial backgrounds across the US to take part in CPS-3, which aims to increase knowledge of how to prevent cancer.

There has been a lot of debate recently about the benefits and harms of coffee drinking, with more recent news suggesting the benefits probably outweigh the harms.

But researchers spreading the good news are all saying the same thing, as Hildebrand and colleagues themselves point out in this latest study: while there appear to be some health perks from drinking coffee, there are also a few cautions, and the evidence is not solid enough to actively encourage people to go out and drink coffee.

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New candy eats 'bad' bacteria in the mouth, benefitting teeth

candy eats 'bad' bacteria in the mouth

Our mouths are a delicate balance of good and bad bacteria. When we clean our teeth, the aim is to knock out cavity-causing bacteria, while allowing beneficial oral bacteria to thrive. Now, researchers have developed a sugar-free candy, which contains dead bacteria that bind to bad bacteria, potentially reducing cavities.

The importance of good oral health has been emphasized by doctors for years. Poor oral health has been linked to many conditions, from Alzheimer's disease to pancreatic cancer, not to mention cardiovascular disease.

To promote better oral health, a team from the Berlin-based firm Organobalance GmbH, Germany, created a new candy, which they claim reduced levels of 'bad' bacteria in study subjects' mouths.

Their research was published in Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins.

They note that after we eat, bacteria on the surface of the teeth release acid, which can dissolve the tooth enamel, leading to cavities.

The most common strain of this "bad" bacteria is called Mutans streptococci. However, the researchers say that in previous studies with rats, another bacteria called Lactobacillus paracasei has been shown to reduce levels of the cavity-causing bacteria, decreasing the number of cavities in the rodents.

The team, led by Christine Lang, believe that by binding with M. streptococci, the L. paracaseibacteria prevent this bad bacteria from reattaching to the teeth, causing it to get washed away by saliva.

Candy 'significantly lowered' bad oral bacteria levels
Dentists normally suggest staying away from sweets, but a newly created sugar-free bacteria-containing candy reduced levels of bad oral bacteria.

In a pilot trial involving 60 subjects, Lang and her team tested whether their sugar-free candy, which contained heat-killed samples of L. paracasei DSMZ16671, reduced levels of bad oral bacteria.

One-third of the subjects ate candies with 1 mg of L. paracasei, while another third ate candies with twice this amount (2 mg). The final third served as a control group and ate candies that were similar in taste but that contained no bacteria.

In total, all subjects ate five candies during the 1.5-day study. They were not allowed to perform any oral hygiene activities during this time, and they were also not allowed to consume coffee, tea, wine or probiotic foods.

Results showed that nearly 75% of the participants who ate candies with the good bacteria had "significantly lower" levels of Mutans streptococci in their saliva than before, compared with the control group.

Additionally, the subjects who ate candy with 2 mg of L. paracasei had a reduction in bad bacteria levels after eating only one piece of candy.

The researchers write:

"We think it remarkable that this effect was observed after exposure to only five pieces of candy containing 1 or 2 mg of dead L. paracasei DSMZ16671 consumed in 1.5 days."

They say that by using dead bacteria, they avoided problems that live bacteria might have caused. They also note that the L. paracasei does not bind with beneficial oral bacteria, which is why this is a better cavity prevention method than other probiotics.

"Additionally," they add, "sugar-free candies stimulate saliva flow, a benefit to oral health."


9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
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Difference of Dental Veneers Crowns and Bridges

Dental Veneers Crowns and Bridges

If you are keen on knowing different ways to improve your smile, you must have gone through these 3 names: Dental Veneers, Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges. What is the difference between these 3 techniques? All these three techniques are very effective for restoration of smile. Here we will brief you with the basics of these 3 important segments of cosmetic dentistry.

Dental Veneers

These are wafer thin shields to be placed on your teeth, made from ceramic material. When these are placed on the teeth, they can cover stains, blemishes, yellowness, uneven teeth, worn enamel, or gapped teeth. These veneers will solve a lot of your cosmetic dental problems. You can definitely opt for dental veneers if you have any of the following conditions

Worn Enamel: Enamel is the outer surface of your teeth. It might get worn out with age, and get discolored. It can also get worn out due to excessive drinking of coffee, or soda.

Wear and Tear: Wear and tear happens as you age, and your teeth get worn down.

Genetics: Some people have irregular spacing between their teeth, which gets worse with age.

These are a few examples where you can get corrected smiles using dental veneers

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns envelop the complete tooth when compared to dental veneers that only cover the front surface of the tooth. These dental crowns can be made of ceramic, porcelain or metal. Dental Crowns provide extra support to the teeth. For badly damaged teeth, dental crowns could be an efficient treatment choice. The dental crown procedure makes use of tooth-shaped covers made of porcelain, ceramic or metal to restore vigor and remove uneasiness. Additionally, dental crowns might be used to envelop a dental implant or secure a dental bridge.

Dental Veneers Crowns and Bridges

Metal Crowns: These dental crowns are usually used for back teeth due to their metallic color. These dental crowns are excellent to provide support to poorly damaged back teeth. For Metal Dental Crowns, the most commonly used metals are: palladium, gold alloy, chromium alloy, and nickel alloy.

Ceramic Crowns: These dental ceramic crowns have a natural appearance and thus mostly used on front teeth. Most commonly used materials for these types of crowns are: resins, porcelain or dental ceramic.

Porcelain Crowns: These dental crowns are made of porcelain fused with a metal, and these are the strong and natural looking.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is made from 2 dental crowns for your teeth on each side of gap and the fake tooth between them. Dental implants, natural teeth, or a grouping of dental implants and natural teeth can be employed to hold the bridge. The type of dental bridge that you opt for depends on the state of your teeth, your budget, and the results you wish. Whether you look forward for a temporary or permanent tooth loss resolution, dental bridges are perfectly suited for your requirements.

Dental Veneers Crowns and Bridges

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Bridge: These dental bridges are the ones used most commonly and are prepared of PFM (Porcelain Fused Metal) or ceramic.

Cantilever Bridge: This Dental Bridge is used when teeth are only on single side of the gap.

Maryland Bonded Bridge: This Dental Bridge is made of plastic teeth supported by metallic structure.

You can decide on the type of cosmetic dental treatment you want, based on these specifications. Your choice depends up on your problem area and your budget. If you are looking for low budget options, you should opt for dental veneers. The most used types of dental veneers are the ones made from porcelain, although you can also go for resin veneers. These treatments do not have any bad impact on your teeth, and to get to know more about them, you can consult your dentist right away.


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Cosmetic Makeover Options for Front Teeth

cosmetic dintistry

Modern technology offers many age defying makeovers for your beauty. There are face-lifts, Botox and many other medical procedures that claim to take the years off someone’s face. Given this, no matter how many facial procedures a person undergoes to make the face look young again, damaged teeth will greatly dampen the efforts.

Fortunately, in today’s modern times, cosmetic dentistry has many teeth altering procedures to offer patients who want to change the appearance of their teeth. Dentists have various ways of changing the way a patient’s teeth look, with the use of modern technology. Here are some of the various techniques that the doctors usually employ to create the perfect smile. You can easily inquire about these with your local dentist.

The first process you can consider when undergoing teeth make over procedures is the tooth reshaping. It is the process of sculpting the enamel to fit the size of the remaining teeth in the event that a person damages his teeth, due to excessive grinding. Another process you can try with the doctors is the tooth whitening process.

The process of teeth whitening comes in two ways. You can decide to do it on your own by making use of some teeth whitening kits that are available in various drugstores nationwide, or you can do it with professional help. It is recommended that the teeth whitening process be done in the clinic with a professional dentist to supervise.

The third process you can undergo if you want to have the teeth makeover it is the crowning or installation of metal implants, covered by a shell to fill the gaps within your front teeth. This is advantageous because the metal is very durable and does not easily break when used in chewing. It is very economical because it will last a longer time than most implants available.

Doctors can also apply orthodontic procedures to try to produce a perfect set of smiling teeth. You can as the dentists for advice about where to find a reliable orthodontist to make your false teeth. Having false teeth is better than having no teeth at all.

You can also undergo procedures to have the teeth gaps closed. Dentists will use fillings to do the trick for your teeth. They can also repair and reshape your broken teeth as stated earlier. With all these available procedures, you will have the picture perfect smile as fast as the speed of light.

The perfect smile is truly important when it comes to taking all your pictures and important self-portraits. The smile shows that you can feel positive wherever you go even if you do not speak a word. A warm smile speaks a thousand words, and can be reassuring to your friends and your loved ones.

With all the above-mentioned processes, you will unquestionably find something that will fit your lifestyle and let you save money. A person does not have to be rich to get a dazzling beautiful smile.

It is very important that you look for quality over expenses. Every patient should try to find the best doctor he can afford. It is not only for aesthetic purposes but also for functionality as well. Therefore, you have to be very careful in finding the right doctor for your dental needs.

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الأحد، 26 يناير 2014

المواد المبطنة الطرية

Soft lining materials

المواد المبطنة الطرية

تعريف: هي طبقة مرنة قابلة للانضغاط تلتصق مع مادة صفيحة التعويض الصلبة فاصلة إياها عن الغشاء المخاطي للارتفاع السنخي الذي ترتكز عليه.

الصفات الواجب توافرها في المواد المبطنة الطرية

1- أن تنطبق انطباقاً تاماً على الفك ومقاومة للقوى الماضغة.
2- أن يكون سطحها قابل للتعديل والتلميع بسهولة.
3- أن لا تضعف أو تخرب قاعدة الجهاز.
4- أن لا يكون لها طعم أو رائحة.
5- أن لا تتطلب تجهيزات معقدة من أجل تصليبها.
6- أن تكون ثابتة الأبعاد نوعاً ما خلال التصليب أو خلال وجودها في الفم.
7- أن يكون امتصاصها لسوائل الفم في حدوده الدنيا 2,2%.
8- أن تكون ذات انحلالية دنيا باللعاب.
9- يجب أن تحتفظ بمرونتها وهذا يعتمد على تركيب المادة وثخانة المواد المبطنة( 2-3)ملم
10- أن تسترد أبعادها بعد زوال الانضغاط.
11- أن تكون جيدة الارتباط مع قاعدة الجهاز, وتبدي مقاومة عالية للاهتراء.
12- تمتلك مقاومة كافية للتمزق خلال استعمالها في الفم.
13- يمكن تنظيفها بسهولة ولا تتأثر بالطعام والشراب والدخان, أو بالمواد المستخدمة في تنظيفها
14- أن تكون صحية وغير مهيجة أو سامة للمخاطية الفموية.
15- ان تكون مقبولة من الناحية التجميلية ولونها قريب من لون قاعدة الجهاز.
16- ان تمتلك مدة صلاحية جيدة وليست عالية الكلفة.
17- أن لا تتأثر بالبكتريا أو الفطور ولا تشكل وسطاً مساعداً على نموها.

استطبابات استخدام المواد المبطنة الطرية:

1- الامتصاص الشديد للعظم السنخي, والعظم السنخي غير قادر على دعم قوى الاطباق.
2- حالات الألم خلال المضغ بسبب الامتصاص السنخي غير المنتظم أو الحواف السنخية الحادة.
3- وجود مناطق تثبيت عظمية غير قابلة للتصحيح الجراحي.
4- السدادات في التعويضات الفكية الوجهية.
5- المرضى الذين يعانون من الضزز.
6- المرضى ذوي الأفواه الجافة( السكري, المعالجة الشعاعية...الخ)
7- في الأجهزة الفورية تمكن المريض من استخدامها بدون ألم.
8- المخاطية الفموية المحتقنة او المرضوضة( انطباق سيئ, الصرير, الاستخدام الطويل والمفرط للأجهزة ليلاً ونهاراً) حيث تساهم هذه المواد في المساعدة على الشفاء وتحسين الحالة الصحية للنسج قبل الشروع بصنع جهاز جديد أو تبطين الجهاز القديم.
9- التبطين المؤقت للأجهزة سيئة الانطباق, والأجهزة الفورية التقليدية أو الفورية المغطية للجذور(Over dentures).
10- مناطق تتطلب حماية خاصة( الثقبة الذقنية, أقنية الفك السفلي, قمة السنخ الحادة, الدرز الحنكي المتوسط, النسج الرخوة والعظمية التي خضعت حديثاً للعمل الجراحي)

أنواع المواد المبطنة الطرية حسب تطبيقاتها:

أولاً: المواد المبطنة المرنة
ثانياً: مكيفات النسج

كما تصنف المواد المبطنة الطرية حسب التركيب الكيميائي :

1- المواد المبطنة الطرية الأكريلية: وهي إما ذاتية التصلب او تتصلب بالحرارة وهذه المواد ترتبط بقوة إلى القاعدة الكريلية نظراً لتركيبها كونها راتنجات أكريلية.
تتألف هذه المواد بشكل عام من متماثر ومونومير ومادة ملدنة.
2-المواد المبطنة الطرية السيليكونية:
يؤدي مزج الأساس مع المصلب إلى الحصول على مادة مطاطية القوام وهي مواد ثابتة كيميائياً لذلك تحافظ على مرونتها فترة طويلة.
تحتاج هذه المواد إلى لاصق خاص ليربطها مع القاعدة الأكريلية .
نلجأ احياناً إلى تخشين السطح لتحسين الارتباط بين القاعدة الأكريلية والمادة السيليكونية.
لا يمكن تلميع هذه المواد لذلك تبقى خشنة وذات طبيعة مسامية تؤدي إلى اندخال الطعام ونمو الفطور .
3- المواد المبطنة الطرية الفلورية:
تمتلك خواص مرنة ممتازة وتلتصق بشكل جيد مع القاعدة الأكريلية بسبب وجود البوليميرات المفلورة .
نمو المستعمرات الجرثومية والفطور عليها في حدوده الدنيا , لكن يمكن مشاهدة لويحة جرثومية على المدى البعيد .
يمكن تنظيفها بمنظفات الأجهزة .
4- المواد المبطنة الطرية الأوليفينية:
تمتلك خواص مرونة جيدة وثابتة كيميائياً , وتحتاج إلى لاصق خاص ليربطها مع القاعدة الأكريلية , وامتصاصها للماء قليل, غير انها عرضة للتغير اللوني, لذا يطبق عليها طلاء خاص للوقاية من التلون, وتحتاج إلى إجراءات معقدة .

الآن نتحدث عن المواد المكيفة للنسج و هي موضوع السؤال

الأجهزة التعويضية الراضة( ذات البعد العمودي غير الصحيح, ذات الامتداد المفرط, ذات الامتداد الناقص, ذات الاطباق المعيب السيء) تؤدي إلى تشوهات موضعية في النسج الفموية, وهذا يؤدي إلى نقص استقرار وثبات هذه الأجهزة , لذلك يجب تصحيح النسج وتكييفها قبل صنع أجهزة جديدة وذلك باستخدام مكيفات النسج.
تسمح مكيفات النسج بشفاء النسج الرخوة وحماية العظم السنخي دون الحاجة لترك الجهاز خارج الفم لفترة طويلة.
يجب تطبيقها بعد تصحيح عيوب الأجهزة القديمة وإلا ستؤدي إلى فشل المعالجة وتفقد هذه المواد قيمتها.

الصفات الواجب توفرها في مكيفات النسج

1- يجب ان تبقى طرية خلال فترة استخدامها لتعمل عمل الوسادة للنسج الرخوة تحتها.
2- يجب ان تبقى مرنة لتقاوم قوى المضغ دون حدوث تشوه دائم فيها .
3- يجب ان تمتلك خاصية اللزوجة لتمكنها من الانسياب تحت قوى المضغ وتوزع القوى والضغوط على كامل المخاطية بشكل آني.

تركيب مكيفات النسج:

المسحوق: يحوي بولي إيثيل ميتا كريلات
( Poly ethyl methacrylate)

السائل: يتألف من1- محل Ethyl alcohol
2- ملدن Butyphataly butygly
تفاعل السائل مع المسحوق هو تفاعل فيزيائي بحت وليس هناك تماثر او تفاعل تصلب كون السائل لا يحوي مونومير والمسحوق لا يحوي بادئ.
لا تبقى هذه المواد طرية بشكل دائم بسبب رشح الكحول والملدن منها إلى اللعاب.
تتراوح مدة استخدامها قبل أن تصبح قاسية وغير قادرة على القيام بدورها كوسادة بين عدة أيام إلى أسبوع أو أسبوعين.
أحياناً يتم تطبيقها عدة مرات حتى حصول الشفاء التام للنسج.

استخدامات المواد المكيفة للنسج

1- معالجة النسج المرضوضه والمتأذية تحت جهاز سيء أو قليل الانطباق قبل صنع جهاز جديد.

2- عند المرضى بعد العمليات الجراحية الفموية( يمكن إضافتها للسدادات المؤقتة التي تستخدم بعد 7-10 أيام من العمل الجراحي حيث تنقص مكيفات النسج من الضغط والتخريش للنسج التي تعرضت للجراحة مما يساعد على الشفاء.
3- تطبق في حالة إضافة سن مباشرة بعد قلعه للجهاز الموجود.
4- تستخدم في تثبيت الصفائح القاعدية والجبائر الجراحية.
5- يمكن استخدامها كمادة طابعة وظيفية: وذلك عند وجود صعوبة في تحديد امتداد قاعدة الجهاز بسبب وجود بنى فموية متحركة.


9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (+202) 24010655
Cell phone: (+2) 01143050023
Call phone: (+2) 01024212175
E-mail: info@spc-eg.com

Website: www.spc-eg.com

Register Now on this link and we will call you to confirm your reservation

بعض المبادئ في التيجان و الجسور

teeth bridge

بعض المبادئ في التيجان و الجسور
في الواقع إن تصميم الجسور بحاجة إلى كم هائل من المعلومات ، فلا يمكن لطبيب الأسنان أن يصمم جسر أكاديمي صحيح ما لم تتوفر لديه المعلومات الضرورية لهذا الجسر ، لأن الجسر بحد ذاته له قواعد تهيئة لكل عنصر من عناصره من المثبتة إلى الدعامة فالدمية ، وآلية الربط بينهما ، وهذه القواعد والنظم يجب أن تكون على أسس علمية تنطلق من مبادئ وأفكار لها علاقة بالإمكانيات والتطورات المتاحة .

إن عملية التصميم بحد ذاتها عملية معقدة حيث أن المفاضلة بين المبادئ الوظيفية والتجميلية والتصويتية حسب موقع الجسر ومادته لهو أمر صعب جداً ولا يمكن الوصول لذلك بشكل مطلق .

ولكي نصمم جسر ما يجب أن نعرف بعضاً من المبادئ الرئيسية منها :

الدعم ، المظهر ، الصحة الفموية ، المنطقة السرجية ، عناصر الجسر ، الاستمرارية . . .

أولاً : الدعم :
وفق هذا المبدأ لا بد أن نهيئ دعامات يمكنها أن تحمل الجسر في شكله الحركي ( الوظيفي ) ، وقد كان يعتقد سابقاً بأن قانون أنتي الموضوع عام 1926 هو الأساس في عملية اختيار الدعامات ( الدعم ) ، حيث ينص هذا القانون على أن :

المساحة الجذرية للأسنان المفقودة يجب أن تماثلها مساحة جذرية للأسنان التي تدخل في عملية الدعم

ووفق هذا القانون فقد أشار هذا الباحث وغيره لضم الضواحك الأولى العلوية إضافة للأنياب كدعامات في حال فقد القواطع الأربعة العلوية .
هذه الفكرة كانت سائدة منذ أكثر من ربع قرن ، أما الآن فتعتبر فكرة خاطئة لأسباب عديدة منها أن هناك وصل غير متحرك بين الأمام والخلف ، ومنها أن الناب يقود الحركة الجانبية للفك السفلي وتصميم جسر مثل ذلك الجسر يمكن أن يعطل هذه الوظيفة ، لذلك يجب أن نستند في مفهوم الدعم للجسور على آلية يمكن أن تؤدي الوظائف المضغية للجسر وافق ذلك قانون أنتي أم خالفه ، فدعم الجسر يجب أن يتحقق كمفهوم دعم حتى ولو اختلفت قيمة الدعم الجذرية للدعامة إذا كان الإطباق طبيعياً ، فيمكن كمفهوم دعمي أن نعوض عن فقد ناب علوي - على سبيل المثال - بجسر ثابت - ثابت دعاماته الضاحك الأول والرباعية ( القاطعة الجانبية ) وذلك إذا كان الإطباق طبيعياً بمعنى أن هناك تماس لأكبر عدد ممكن من الأسنان في الإطباق المركزي ، عندها يكون الجسر آمناً وإن تم الاتصال بين الأمام والخلف ( بين الضاحك الأول والرباعية كمفهوم تجميلي ) ، إلا أن هذه الحالة في ترتيب التعويضات الأمامية الحديثة يجب أن تكون آخر ما يفكر به .

أما أول ما يجب أن نفكر به بالدعم لسن مفقود هو من العظم نفسه ومن هنا تأتي أهمية المحافظة على العظم السنخي سواء أكان ذلك أثناء قلع السن أو بعده مباشرة عن طريق وضع مادة مالئة ( عظم صنعي ) وليس أن نقوم بضب السنخ ( فكرة قديمة خاطئة ) .

وفي حال احتجنا مزيداً من الدعم نفكر بالسن المجاور أو أن نفتش عن مساحات دعم معينة ( مثلاً فقد رباعية علوية وضاحك ثاني في نفس الجهة نفكر بالجسر المرن ) .ولذلك يجب على طبيب الأسنان أن يكون ملماً بكافة احتمالات الجسور .

ثانياًً : المظهر :
يجب الحفاظ على المظهر .

ثالثاًً : الصحة الفموية :
أول ما نفكر به لمريض التعويضات هو رفع مستوى الصحة الفموية عند المريض ، ومن الأخطاء الشائعة التحضير تحت مستوى اللثة عند المرضى ذوي الصحة الفموية السيئة للوقاية من نكس النخر عن طريق دفن حواف التعويض في الميزاب اللثوي والسائل اللثوي ( قد تكون هذه الفكرة مأخوذة عن مبدأ التمديد الوقائي لبلاك ، وهو عرف مشهور ) ، لكن تبين حديثاً أن التحضير تحت مستوى اللثة أدى في أكثر من 60 % من الحالات لإحداث تراجع لثوي مكان هذه الجسور مما يدل على أن هناك شيئاً أزعج اللثة فابتعدت عنه وفي الواقع إن عملية نكس النخر موجودة أينما كان كما أن ضبط صحة الانطباق الحفافي أصعب في التحضيرات تحت اللثوية لذا لم يعد يفضل الدخول ضمن الميزاب اللثوي لأسباب نكس النخر .
كنتيجة : أثناء عملية التصميم يجب أن تكون اللثة حيادية .

رابعاًً : المنطقة السرجية :
يقصد بها علاقة المنطقة السرجية وأحد عناصر الجسر وهي الدمية ، والسؤال هو كيف نفاضل بين الدعم والمظهر والصحة الفموية والمنطقة السرجية ؟
- الصفات المثالية للدمية الأمامية : أن تكون تامة الحجم شفهياً وأن تمس وبشكل حيادي حيث أنه كلما كانت الدمية حيادية كانت أفضل وأن تكون مفرغة حنكياً .
أما الدمية السرجية فتطبق ضغط سلبي على النسج تحتها مؤدية لحدوث امتصاص سنخي .
- قد نستعمل الدمية الصحية في الجسور الأمامية السفلية عندما يكون طول الدمية كبيراً بسبب تراجع السنخ في هذه المنطقة .

خامساًً : عناصر الجسر :
أي اختيار الدعامة ونوع المثبتة ، في أحد الكتب العلمية ورد 38 احتمال لفقد رباعية علوية عدا الغرسة السنية والتي أضافها الدكتور محمد سلطان فأصبحت الاحتمالات 39 .

سادساًً : الاستمرارية :
يجب أن نفكر بجسر يخدم مريضنا قانوناً عشر سنوات على الأقل .
والسؤال : لماذا لا تخدم الأسنان صاحبها مدى الحياة ، لماذا لا يوجد استمرارية لعملية التعويض كي تخدم صاحبها أطول فترة ممكنة .
إن الأسنان خلقت كي تعمل ، فأي عضو في جسم الإنسان إذا لم يعمل يضمر ، ونحن ننظر للأسنان خطأً كمفهوم ساكن ويجب علينا أن ننظر للسن كوظيفة وكمفهوم حركي .
إذاً : كي يدوم التعويض أطول فترة ممكنة يجب أن ننظر للأسنان كمفهوم حركي وظيفي .
حديثاً تم اكتشاف مصطلح السائل المينائي هذا السائل له خروج ودخول فعندما يكون هناك ضغط معتبر عليه يحدث تجديد فيمنع دخول الجراثيم والسوائل الفموية .
أهم قاعدة لاستمرارية الجسر هي التشخيص الصحيح ومن ثم نقوم بانجاز كل شيء بشكل صحيح .


9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (+202) 24010655
Cell phone: (+2) 01143050023
Call phone: (+2) 01024212175
E-mail: info@spc-eg.com

Website: www.spc-eg.com

Register Now on this link and we will call you to confirm your 

السبت، 25 يناير 2014

What is Dry Socket

The most common and painful complication in the healing of human extraction wounds is called as Dry socket. Dry socket is also called as Alveolar osteitis, Alveolitis sicca dolorosa, Alveolalgia, Post-operative osteitis or localized acute alveolar osteomyelitis.

dry socket

Dry socket is a post-operative socket which lacks the physiological clot both in quality and quantity in which the blood clot disintegrates exposing an infected necrotic socket wall. It is known as dry socket as after the clot is lost, thesocket has dry appearance because of exposed bone. The blood clot helps in stopping the bleeding and lays framework for new tissues to develop there but in case of dry socket, the clot is dislodged and the bone is exposed. This bare bone is exposed to bacteria in the saliva and the food which the patient consumes and the bone becomes infected and painful.

Initially, the clot has dirty grey appearance, and then it disintegrates, ultimately leaving a gray or grayish yellow bony socket bare of granulation tissue. When first seen, the socket may not be always completely empty and it may contain a partially necrotic blood clot.

The diagnosis of Dry Socket is confirmed by gently passing a small probe into the extraction wound. In case of dry socket, bare bone is encountered which is extremely sensitive. 

Causes of Dry Socket

Cause of dry socket is variably ascribed to:

1-Pre-existing infection
2-Trauma to the bone during the extraction
3-Infection entering the socket after the tooth has been removed
4-Loss of blood clot due to rinsing the mouth or sucking the wound or by smoking or by drinking any cold drink with straw which creates negative pressure in the mouth.
5-Decreased bleeding due to hemostatic effect of epinephrine or other vasoconstrictor injected with the local anesthetic
6-General debilitation
7-Women on contraceptive pills have high chances of developing dry socket. High level of estrogen increases the chances of dry socket.
8- Extraction of a impacted wisdom tooth increases the chances of dry socket.
9-Too vigorous rinsing with warm saline water.
10-Taking medications like prednisolone, cyclosporine, azathioprine etc.
11-People within the age group of 40-50 years are also more prone to dry socket. 

None of these reasons is completely tenable. It is suggested that trauma and infection causes inflammation of the bone marrow which causes release of tissue activators. Plasminogen which is present in the clot is converted into plasmin by the action of tissue activators. Plasmin is afibrinolytic agent and will dissolve the blood clot. It will also release kinins which will cause severe pain to the patient. 

dry socket

causes and pathogenesis of dry socket

The patient should not smoke minimum for 48 hours after the tooth extraction. Smoking in the first 48 hours increases the susceptibility to dry socket. Smoking decreases healing and blood supply to that area and brings toxic products to the area. Due to negative pressure because of smoking, the clot gets dislodged and dry socket occurs. That is why it is advised to avoid smoking few days after the tooth extraction to prevent dry socket.

Dry socket Symptoms

Pain few days after the tooth extraction is normal. But the intensity of pain starts decreasing after some time. In case of dry socket,

1-Dry socket pain usually occurs 3-5 days after the Tooth Extraction.
2-There is severe throbbing pain present that is radiating to ear and neck.
3-It is difficult to pin point site of pain in case of dry socket.
4-If a person looks in the mirror, completely empty socket or partially necrotic blood clot is seen in the socket.
5-If a probe is gently passed into the extraction wound, then bare bone is encountered which is extremely sensitive.
6-Patient having bad breath, halitosis.
7-Patient is not able to open the mouth.
8-Dry socket is sometimes accompanied with fever, headache and insomnia. 

So, if a person has these signs and symptoms, then he is having dry socket. Dentist or the oral surgeon needs to be consulted in case of dry socket.

Clinical Features of Dry Socket

It is more common in women as compared to men and is more common in lower jaw as compared to the upper jaw because of the poor blood circulation of the lower jaw.
Pain in case of dry socket is severe and is radiating. The pain is usually described as a throbbing ache and is caused by thermal and chemical irritation of the exposed nerve endings in the periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone. Because of the extreme intensity of pain, it is the most distressing post-operative sequel to tooth extraction. It occurs despite the most exacting operative techniques and aseptic procedure and regardless of the ability and the judgment of the surgeon.

Suppuration that is pus is generally absent but a foul odor is present in case of dry socket. 
The symptoms of dry socket generally start on third to fifth day after the extraction of the tooth and if the condition is left untreated, and then it may last for 7-14 days. It rarely occurs a week or longer after the extraction.
Sometimes, the dry socket may be associated with low grade fever and lymphadenopathy. The exposed bone is necrotic and sequestration of fragments is common.

The extraction socket wound normally heals in 7days after simple or closed extraction but in case of dry socket, the extraction socket wound may take 15days to 3months to heal completely.

dry socket

Healing of Extraction socket after Tooth Extraction

Treatment of Dry Socket

Healing of extraction socket wound with dry socket is extremely slow and the treatment is directed primarily towards the relief of pain.

1-Pain relief is done by 2ways:
Local therapy
2-Antipyretic analgesic or a narcotic

dry socket

Local therapy consists of irrigation of the socketwith a warm sterile isotonic saline solution or a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide to remove necrotic material and other debris followed bydressing of eugenol or some other dry socket paste which is available with the dentists which will relieve the pain. In 5-10 minutes, the pain will be relieved. First dressing relieves the pain for 12 to 24hours. After that, the procedure has to be repeated. Second dressing relieves the pain for longer duration. After three or so dressings, thetooth extraction socket wound starts healing from inside out and the bone is covered. After that, it is left open to heal. 

Antipyretics and analgesics (Pain relieving meds) are given along with the local treatment and not alone. They won’t be effective if used alone because of the poor vascularity of the necrosed bone.

Most of the patients become free from the symptoms after one or two dressings.
The routine use of antibiotics is not recommended in the treatment of dry socket because the major problem is of pain control rather than unlimited infection. The use of antibiotics alone is an ineffective method for relief of patient’s pain. In rare instance where suppuration does exist, the antibiotic should be used systemically rather than topically in the socket

The incidence of Dry Socket can be prevented by taking certain precautions like:
Doing Chlorhexidine mouth rinses or rinses with some mild anti-microbial mouth wash 24 hours after the extraction, thrice a day. The rinses should be done gently so that blood clot covering the extraction socket is not dislodged. Excessive mouth rinsing for first 24hrs after extraction should be avoided as it can dislodge the clot.
Patient should not smoke minimum after 48 hours of extraction. Smoking creates negative pressure in the mouth which can further dislodge the clot and increases susceptibility to dry socket.
Patient should follow all the post extraction instructions like avoiding sucking, spitting, drinking through the straw after the extraction. Sucking and spitting will create negative pressure in the mouth and can dislodge the clot.
If dentist feels and prescribe the antibiotics, patient should take them regularly.
Patient should try to maintain good oral hygiene. There should be no food impaction in the socket area. The food should be chewed from the other side of the jaw after extraction.


9 abbas el-akkad street, nassr city, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: (+202) 24010655
Cell phone: (+2) 01143050023
Call phone: (+2) 01024212175
E-mail: info@spc-eg.com

Website: www.spc-eg.com

Register Now on this link and we will call you to confirm your reservation